ZEMER: A Jewish Music Festival*
February 22-27, 2022
Congregation B’nai B’rith, 1000 San Antonio Creek Rd
All events are IN-PERSON INDOORS at CBB (and via Zoom) unless otherwise noted.
Proof of vaccines (ages 5+) and masks required for all in-person events.
Co-sponsored and curated by

Mashey Bernstein Ph.D.

Cantor Mark Childs

Join us for a week of Jewish music
from Yiddish songs to classical music…LIVE and in Person (indoors)!
With musical world premieres, guest artists, solo and ensembles, choirs, services, talks
and movies. A rare opportunity to delve into this wonderfully diverse world.
Planning to attend in-person? Please click here to let us know!

Yiddish Songs of Resilience
Join Lorin Sklamberg (Klezmatics), singer Sasha Lurje, and violinist Craig Judelman in a concert of Yiddish song.
Click here to download this event's program
Film via Zoom only:
Overture to Glory
A milestone of Yiddish cinema. Tragically torn between the world of opera and of the synagogue, a young cantor finally finds redemption. It stars Moshe Oysher the most famous cantor/actor in the Yiddish world. Bring five hankies!!
This event is virtual only. Introduced by Mashey Bernstein and Cantor Mark Childs with Q&A following.

Cellist Simone Vitucci and
pianist Adam McDonald, plus short film
A recital of Jewish music played on an original instrument made by cello maker Brian Lisus of Ojai, CA. An award- winning short film on the making of the cello, A Tree of Life will be screened.
A Choral Erev Shabbat Service
Cantor Mark Childs and the Shir Chadash Choir will lead an indoor service featuring brand new musical commissions from CBB, along with some great liturgical choral works. Tunefully sponsored by Mandy and Daniel Hochman.

Solo Piano Recital
with Adam Kent
Havdalah led by JTS cantorial student David Childs
Solo Piano Recital with Adam Kent
Havdalah service followed by a solo piano concert with award winning guest artist, Adam Kent and a concert of music by Mendelssohn, Milhaud, Bloch, Gershwin and Copland, and featuring Improvisations on Hassidic Melodies by Paul Schoenfield.
Lecture w Light Breakfast BEFOREHAND
Dr. Mark Kligman: Changing Trends in Jewish Music
Join us for a light breakfast to be followed by a lecture presentation on the diversity and trends in Jewish music by UCLA Professor of Ethnomusicology Dr. Mark Kligman, Director of Lowell Milken Center for Music of American Jewish Experience.

Dominic Cheli, piano, Rebecca Reale, violin, Pat Posey, saxophone
A unique concert featuring this trio of musicians with music by Leonard Bernstein, Kurt Weill, Holocaust victim Erwin Schuloff and a world premiere of a recently discovered piece by German Jewish composer Edvard Moritz.
Proof of vaccination and masks are
required for all in-person attendance.
All events subjects to change depending on current Covid restrictions.