Rabbi Suzy Stone’s sermon from Sept. 19, 2012
An excerpt:
“When I first arrived at CBB many people asked me — ‘how are you with names?’ I would answer: “Good…I think!?” But now, having encountered at least 1,000 new people in the last two months, I need to amend my answer and say, “I am fair with names.” I don’t say this as asource of pride, but as an acknowledgement of an area of growth. However, in the meantime, I wanted to address this in a public forum because while I may not always remember your name or face, I will almost always remember the content of our conversation.
“I say this because I take my role as a Rabbi very seriously and I believe that is a sacred privilege to serve this community and I don’t want anyone thinking — “Wow, I just had this very profound conversation with the Rabbi and now she doesn’t remember my name! She must not have really cared about what I said.”