Dear member of our CBB family,
For me personally, the High Holy Days this year will be especially poignant; this will be my last Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as CBB’s Senior Rabbi!
Naturally, I have mixed emotions. On the one hand, I look forward to years in the future when I can enter the Days of Awe as just an ordinary Jew, coming to pray, to sing and to greet friends, without the responsibility of creating a sacred space for an entire community. But on the other hand, I know that I will miss the intensity of standing on the bimah, exchanging smiles, ideas and energy with a vast community of worshippers. I’m sure that my heart and mind will be flooded this year with memories of forty plus years of sermons, of shofar blasts, of Avinu Malkenu, of fasting and falling prostrate before the Ark. I welcome that flood!
Because our Building Dreams construction project will not yet be complete, we will be gathering offsite once again, this year at First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara. Of course, I am sad that my last High Holy Days as Senior Rabbi will be at a temporary location. But I’m comforted knowing that we can come together anywhere. We have gathered at Trinity Lutheran Church, the Arlington Theater, Stearns Wharf, Hillel, Draughtsman Aleworks…and when Covid kept us all locked down in our homes, we managed to gather on Zoom. CBB happens in any place that we gather as a community.
Before signing off, I want to acknowledge that this has been a difficult year. The trauma of October 7, the continuing nightmare (at the time of this writing) of the plight of the hostages and the horror in Gaza. Campus protests, rising antisemitism and political polarization. In these turbulent times, we need to reconnect, as we always have done. Throughout our long history, we Jews have returned at this time of year to community, to tradition, and to God. I hope to see you there. Marian joins me in wishing you and your loved ones a sweet, happy and healthy New Year!
Music for High Holy Days is tunefully sponsored by Daniel & Mandy Hochman.
All services (except alternative Kol Nidre wharf services) will be held at the First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara, 21 East Constance Avenue, SB. Main services are also available via Livestream.

CBB has an open door policy where everyone is welcome – members, non-members, and guests. We do not issue tickets for our High Holy Day services. However, we do request that guests please RSVP. Donations are encouraged and enable CBB to maintain our open doors.
Please RSVP below if you will be a guest or will be requesting reciprocity this year.
Book of Remembrance
Each year, CBB publishes a Book of Remembrance for Yizkor services on Yom Kippur. Honor the memory of your departed loved ones by including their names in CBB’s Book of Remembrance for our Yom Kippur Yizkor Service. The online submission form for the Book of Remembrance 2024 is now closed. Please contact Paul Zakrzewski at paulz@cbbsb.org to inquire about last minute submissions.
Click here to view this year’s Book of Remembrance.
Throughout the year, CBB is committed to providing a place for connection, spirituality, lifelong learning, and support for those in need. With your gift of tzedakah, we can continue to meet the needs of our community.
After clicking the button below, please select “High Holy Days” from the type drop down menu.
If you’d like to create personal and meaningful community interactions during the High Holy Days, we are seeking volunteers for various roles. Thank you for considering supporting CBB by giving of your time. Click below to sign up for one or multiple shifts!
All High Holy Day services (except alternate Kol Nidre services) for 2024 will take place at First Presbyterian Church of Santa Barbara, located at 21 E. Constance Avenue, at the corner of State Street and Constance Avenue in Santa Barbara. There are two large parking lots located right on the church premises, one above ground and one below. We will be announcing any additional parking resources soon.
Childcare is available during our Rosh Hashanah Main Service (10:30AM-12:45 PM) and Yom Kippur Main Service (10:30AM-1:30 PM). This is available for children ages 2-7; and for BHY students (ages 18 months and above). Advance registration is required by clicking the button below.
Prayerbooks will not be displayed online during the Livestream service. You can access a virtual copy of the Mishkan Hanefesh prayerbooks to follow along with Livestream services at home this year.
Thank you Sara Miller McCune and Marlene Gordon Beckerman & Family
for co-sponsoring the beautiful Mishkan Hanefesh prayerbooks used each year by our community

Thank you to the following organizations and businesses for supporting this year’s High Holy Days.