Join Us!

CBB is a Reform Jewish synagogue located in the gorgeous foothills of Santa Barbara. Incorporated in 1927, CBB’s roots began with just 15 families. Today we are proud that more than 800 diverse families and individuals call CBB their Jewish home.

We welcome everyone who wants to be a part of CBB’s community and we know that each person who walks through the door is unique. We have an open door policy, which means that most of our programs are open to the community. Getting involved is the best way to meet people, make friends, and discover what activities strengthen your Jewish identity and help you build community.

Membership makes our community sustainable, so we thank you for considering this meaningful step!

  1. Contact us to make an appointment. Whether you’re ready to join or still have some questions, please email or call Membership Director, Laura Habecker ( or 805-964-7869 x104)
  2. If you are ready to join, please fill out a New Member form.
    • Use the online form (click here) or
    • Download, print, and complete a PDF version to return by mail (click here)
      • Mail to CBB at 1000 San Antonio Creek Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111

Our Board of Trustees sets a recommended yearly membership gift. Many give at this level, some give an alternative amount. Those who are able, give above the recommended levels. This generosity sustains our temple in many important ways, including allowing young families, and members on fixed or lower incomes to fully participate in congregational life. No one is ever turned away for financial reasons.

  • To offer love and support to fellow congregants, in times of trouble and sorrow, and in times of joy and celebration.
  • To strive to communicate with fellow congregants, Temple leadership, and CBB staff clearly and respectfully.
  • Cultivate and nurture within ourselves a love and understanding of Jewish heritage.
  • Generously contribute financial resources to the best of our ability, whether or not we are actively participating at the time.
  • To facilitate our member’s experience of a Judaism that is alive, meaningful and relevant.
  • Prepare and support people to lead a Jewish life.
  • Actively find ways to connect our members to each other, and make it easy to participate in CBB.
  • Ensure that potential members feel welcome and interested in joining, without regard for their financial circumstances.
  • Support and encourage the development of other congregations and communities of Jewish worship and learning.
  • Work together as part of the Greater Santa Barbara community with all Jewish organizations to foster Jewish life.

Current Members

Your partnership and financial support ensure our vibrant Jewish community today and for the future. Thank you for making a commitment that matters so much to our community!

Click here for the 2024/25 Online Membership Renewal Form

If you prefer to return a hard copy, please download, print, and complete the Membership Renewal Form (click here to download a PDF)You can mail the completed form, along with your gift, to CBB at 1000 San Antonio Creek Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111.

If you have questions about billing or payment, please contact CBB’s bookkeeper, Terry Grimes.

For questions about your annual membership gift, please contact CBB’s Director of Development, Julia George.