Yahrzeit is the anniversary of a death. In German, this word means “Time of Year” (Yahr = year; Zeit = time). Each Shabbat, we read the names of all the deceased whose yahrzeits occur in the coming week.
Traditionally, you are only required to observe the yahrzeit of your parent, spouse, sibling, or child, however you are welcome to observe for other loved ones if you choose. When you notify the Temple office of the death of your parent, spouse, sibling, or child, we will automatically add that name to our list of yahrzeits (please request, if you choose, to be added to this list if your loved one is not within these categories).
You may choose to observe this anniversary based on the secular date or the Hebrew date.
Shortly after the end of shloshim (30 days after burial), a staff member from the Temple office will call you and ask which date you would like to observe. Based on this date, you will receive a “yahrzeit notice” a month prior to the anniversary of the death, telling you on which Shabbat the deceased’s name will be read.
We encourage you to light a yahrzeit candle (available at Temple or at most supermarkets) and attend the Shabbat services when your loved one’s name will be read. You may also consider holding a minyan at your home; contact Rabbi or Cantor for more details.
If you have any further questions about yahrzeits or how to add a loved ones name to CBB’s yahrzeit list, please contact Audrey in the temple office, at audrey@cbbsb.org or (805) 964-7869.