Ways To Give

CBB accepts donations by credit card through this secure online donation form or you may call the office (805.964.7869) to make your gift by phone.

Please mail checks (payable to CBB) to 1000 San Antonio Creek Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111. If you’d like to allocate your gift to support a certain fund or program, please write the information in the memo line of the check or include a note.

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving option that allows you to combine favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support nonprofit organizations. If you have a DAF, you can designate a grant to CBB. For questions, please contact CBB’s Director of Development, Julia George (julia@cbbsb.org or 805.964.7869 x108).

Stock transfers are accepted through our brokerage firm account at Vanguard Group.

Instruct your broker to wire transfer the gift directly into the account of Congregation B’nai B’rith Corporation:

  • DTC# 0062
  • Account # 12462664
  • For account of Congregation B’nai B’rith Corporation

Immediately upon transfer of stocks, please email CBB’s Director of Development, Julia George (julia@cbbsb.org) with the following information so that we may properly acknowledge your donation:

  • Approximate Date of Delivery
  • Name of the Security
  • Number of Shares
  • Name of Delivering Broker
  • Contact Phone and Email
  • Purpose or Designation of Transfer (or Unrestricted)

If you have questions related to the transfer, please contact Terry Grimes at 805-964-7869 x119 or at terry@cbbsb.org.

You may include CBB in your estate plan, name CBB as beneficiary of an IRA or life insurance policy, or leave property to CBB. If you would like to explore a Charitable Gift Annuity or a Charitable Remainder Trust, CBB works with a reputable third party to execute these agreements.

All legacy gift donors are invited to join the Children of the Covenant, CBB’s Legacy Giving Society. Membership includes a personalized ketubah, recognition in VOICES magazine, website listing, and a special aliyah during High Holy Day services.

Please contact CBB’s Director of Development, Julia George (julia@cbbsb.org or 805.964.7869 x108), to discuss your legacy giving plans.

Gifts of property, services, and other items are appreciated. Please contact CBB’s Director of Development, Julia George (julia@cbbsb.org or 805.964.7869 x108), to discuss your in-kind gift.

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable contributions made by their employees. If your company is eligible, request a matching gift form from your employer, and send the completed form with your gift to CBB (1000 San Antonio Creek Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93111).

The impact of your gift may be doubled or possibly tripled! Some companies even match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

If you have questions, please CBB’s Director of Development, Julia George (julia@cbbsb.org or 805.964.7869 x108).

1000 San Antonio Creek Road | Santa Barbara, CA 93111
CBB’s tax ID number is 95-6006585