Beit HaYeladim


Jen Lewis, Director

As director of the temple's Jewish Learning Programs, Jen helps support and organize Jewish learning for all students by creating deeply engaging and experiential programs that support the needs and interests of families and students. Her primary goals are to help students develop a strong sense of Jewish community, a passion for Judaic/Hebrew learning, and an understanding of Jewish values and ethics thru Tikkun Olam (“repairing the world”).

Jen has been a synagogue educator for 30 years, beginning with preschool at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles and Beth Am, and most recently teaching 2nd and 4th grades here at CBB since 2008. In 2015, she became the Director of Jewish Learning Programs. She is a longtime resident of Santa Barbara and, along with her husband Stuart, has 3 boys, TJ, Alex, and Isaac. In her spare time, Jen enjoys volunteering at her children’s schools, walking the beautiful beaches of Santa Barbara, and spending time outdoors with her family.

If you have any questions related to our Jewish Learning Programs please contact Jen at or 805-967-6619.

Julia Sommer, Site Supervisor

“I became a teacher to support the community and teach young children how to live with love and compassion. I also love learning from them. Specifically, how to see the joy in the little things life has to offer! I love playing with kids and witnessing their growth. It’s not about being perfect but trying your best with the support of a loving community.”

Julia can be reached at or by calling 805-967-6619.

Toddler Teachers

Wendy Alvarez

Isaiah Fuentes

“I teach because I enjoy working with kids. I feel like I can truly make a difference in their lives. I want to instill in them the feeling of excitement and challenge them to explore more of their environment!”

Linda Kaufman

“The growth and development that occurs from birth to five has always been amazing to me, particularly, the growth between the age of one and three. Having the opportunity to observe and facilitate blossoming language, motor, and social skills of children in this age group is my passion.”

Carina Perez

“I love watching their progress and growth and forming strong bonds with them. I enjoy watching children explore and discover new things! My all-time favorite moments, second to hugs of course, is when they remember something we taught them.”

Fabi Rosales

“Becoming an ECE teacher has been one of the best positive changes I have made. I chose to become a preschool teacher to be able to inspire curiosity, build relationships with children, and shape emotional strength for the future generations.”

Gretchen Souza

“I love building relationships with children and watching them grow and learn!”

Preschool Teachers

Nicole August

“I grew up in a family of educators as role models.  I enjoy making a difference in children’s lives, their energy, their curiosity, their personalities, and seeing their growth throughout their preschool years.  So many memories to be made!"

Brenda Gonzalez-Rico

“I love to teach because I want to help the next generation learn and discover new things. I love creating a positive and loving environment to help build up the children’s confidence.”

Randi Hartzman

“I became an ECE teacher because I wanted to make a difference in children’s lives!”

Milly Larcher

“I teach because I love getting to see the world through their eyes, seeing them experience many “firsts” reignites a child-like awe. I also find it deeply rewarding to help kids navigate their emotions.”

Keyla Lazaro

“I became an ECE teacher to create a safe and loving environment for children, allowing children to feel excitement and challenging them to explore more of their environment!  I love to see them grow!"

Monica Ramos

“I teach because I love watching children learn and grow! Their joy while learning and discovering is contagious!”

Part-Time & Substitute Teachers

Jennifer Barene

“I became a teacher because I love working with little kids and teaching!”

Perry Glikmann

"Being around young kids creates a space to be fully present and in touch with nature."

Isabelle Linares

"I became an ECE teacher because ever since I was little, I have always loved kids, and I love seeing them grow.  Being able to learn about children’s brains and development is one of my passions.  I love to have a big impact in kids’ lives.  Overall, being able to be a huge part in a child’s life really brings me joy, which is the whole reason I started my ECE journey."