We are thrilled to announce our brand new, beautiful Siddur – designed just for us! Help us make the Siddur a reflection of our community by personalizing a bookplate for the inside cover.  Make your $180 donation today by filling out this form.

Here is a letter from Rabbi Cohen:

Siddur Rabbi Letter

Help us make this book a unique reflection of our community
by personalizing a nameplate for its inside cover.

For a donation of $180, you can honor or memorialize a loved one, celebrate a wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, or any other occasion, or simply list the names of your family members.  These Siddurim will remain in the Girsh-Hochman Sanctuary for our worship services.

We plan to introduce our new Siddur at Shabbat Service on Friday, January 18, 2013.

After the launch, we will begin installing nameplates.
Please submit your form and contribution to:

Congregation B’nai B’rith:
1000 San Antonio Creek Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93111

or fill it out online  here.

3 3x4 bookplate

Sample of the bookplate.

Examples of bookplate messages:

We are so proud of your accomplishments
Your sons, Efraim and Menashe

In memory of Moshe
You fearlessly led our family and our nation
Love, Zipporah
