6th Grade (B’mitzvah):
What You Need to Know
2 days per week: Sundays 10:30-12:30am
AND Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 30–45-minute Hebrew (pick one)
Annual Tuition: $2,600
As our students move into adolescence and continue the journey towards their B’nai Mitzvah, they will be diving into deeper subjects and methods of learning. Students will be challenged to discover for themselves what Judaism means to them and what their place is in the greater community. Class time will be spent with 3 teachers, Alisse Block (Hebrew focus), Cantor Mark Childs (rituals and spiritual practice) and Mira Brynjegard-Bialik (Discussion and activity related to community and coming of age). By the end of 7th Grade and the B’nai Mitzvah cycle, these students will have created tight bonds with each other which will carry through into their adult Jewish lives.
Special events:
- 3x per year, Moving Traditions Family Workshop for Parents and Students (Preceeding and including Saturday morning Shabbat service)
- Trope Class: 30 min. once per week with Cantor on the Wednesdays OR Thursdays at 5pm.
- 3-8th Grades Camp Ramah Retreat, January 27-29, 2023.
MID WEEK HEBREW (mandatory for all levels of Hebrew Students 4th -6th grades)
With a new flexible schedule, small reading groups and an incentive style, mid-week program called “Golden Aleph”, your student’s Hebrew abilities will soar! Beginning with mastery of the aleph bet and all its sounds, through mastery of many Hebrew prayers, your student will enjoy learning to read Hebrew and Prayers which will prepare them for B’mitzvah and beyond!
All levels meet Tuesday, Wednesday OR Thursday between 3-6pm. Lessons are 45 minutes for beginners (alef bet/ small groups) and then merge to private or semi-private (1-2 students) 30 minutes each for all prayer study students.
Private lessons were a silver lining of the pandemic times and we’ve decided to continue. They are minimal, convenient and flexible for the families and extremely productive and focused for the students and teachers. Choose ONLY ONE TIME SLOT FOR THE YEAR in addition to the Sunday class for all! Watch for sign-ups in late August.
Click on Golden Aleph to learn more about the program and schedule.