The CBB Caring Community provides us with ways to support members of our CBB community during challenging times. As a member of CBB you are part of a community that cares. We come together in celebration of births and other simchas, support each other during times of illness, and comfort one another when we lose loved ones.

Many times things just come together without much organizing – family, friends, or a havurah offer support when needed. Sometimes, though, members of the congregation may not have a network of close friends or family in town. Or, perhaps, friends might need advice on how to help someone going through a difficult time. It is in these situations where the Caring Community Committee and volunteers help to make sure that congregants receive the support they need.


Below are listed some of the ways in which the volunteers of the Caring Community currently serve our congregation.  Please consider volunteering. You will be of service to others, and it will truly enrich your own life.


For information or to volunteer, please contact the project leader listed below. If you have any general Caring Community questions or comments, contact Alan Levy, the Caring Community Trustee, at 252-8048 (cell) or, or any of the following Committee members: Aaron Ettenberg, Diane Frankel, Lynne Glasman, Sheila Golburgh Johnson, Debbie Hartzman, Lisa Miller, Jenny Mintz, Kathy Rayburn, Alan Levy (Chair), and Cantor Mark Childs (Clergy)




For Parents of a Newborn:  We would like to help new parents who have just returned home with their newborn(s) by providing meals for two to three weeks. If you know of an upcom­ing or recent birth or would like to volunteer to deliver meals in the future, please contact: Lisa Miller at 569-6023 or


For Those Who Are Ill – Cooking Angels:  We are privileged to be able to offer our members hot home-cooked meals when illness or injury makes taking care of oneself or one’s family difficult. Meals are provided by friends or by volunteers who answer an email request. If you or someone you know needs help or if you are interested in cooking meals or helping to coordinate meal delivery in the future, please contact:

Sheila Golburgh Johnson at 682-4618 or


For Members experiencing a Bereavement:  To support CBB members during their time of bereavement, a Caring Community Volunteer will call to offer condolences and, if the funeral or shiva is in town, to provide a platter of food for the meal of condolence after the funeral or for a shiva minyan.

Audrey Okaneko at 964-7869 or  

Sheila Golburgh Johnson at 682-4618 or



 Caring Visitors:  The CBB-Jewish Family Services Caring Visitors Program matches isolated Jewish seniors from the congregation and the community with specially trained CBB members who regularly visit, providing support and companionship.

Debbie Hartzman at 683-1887, or Harriet Marx, JFS, at 957-1116 x113 or



 Mental Health Initiative:  This program is designed to educate members of CBB about mental health issues in the hopes of reducing the stigma that is often associated with mental illness.  In addition, we hope to provide appropriate support to CBB members who are dealing with mental illness personally or within their family or circle of friends.  The support provided will evolve as a function of what participants of our programs tell us they want/need.  The next program is Tuesday, November 13th, 7 pm, on Anxiety.  Lynne Glasman at 898-2353 or

End-of-Life Initiative:  After successful seminars in 2010 covering the topics of Jewish traditions surrounding death, bereavement, and preparing advance directives, we are forming a committee to plan future events. Our goal is to organize a continuing effort to help educate and prepare members of the congregation for the end-of-life issues that we and our family members and friends will all face some day.  For more information or to get involved in this effort please contact Alan Levy at 252-8048 or



Mi Shebeirach List:  Mi Shebeirach is the name of the traditional Jewish healing prayer. We keep a list of names of those who are ill which is read at Shabbat services before the recitation of the Mi Shebeirach prayer. A name can be added to or removed from the list by contacting the clergy or the Temple office. Once a name is on the list, a Caring Community volunteer makes contact periodically to see how things are going.

Audrey Okaneko at 964-7869 or or

Alan Levy at 252-8048 or

Shiva Minyan: When experiencing a loss of a spouse or close family member (parent, child, or sibling) it is customary to sit in deep mourning for seven days after the funeral. Part of the tradition is to have at least ten members of the community (a minyan) come together each day so that the mourner can recite Kad­dish. In our congregation, the number of days members “sit shiva” may vary, but we encourage everyone who loses a family member to consider observing shiva for some period of time.  If you are interested in performing the mitzvah of comforting the bereaved by being available to help “make a minyan” as needed, please contact Audrey Okaneko at 964-7869 or
