
Was I your Scape Goat?
The one the Levities pushed over the edge of the cliff in the Wilderness?

Was I your Flame in the gaslight?

Was I the sacrificed bird, whose blood is splattered by the High Priest, over your leprocy?

Did I clean your Soul?

I don’t want to be the sacrificed one, any longer.

I want to be the Goat they cared for in green pastures, ever after.

I want to be the song bird you hold
in the warm palms of cleansed hands
and let go…

Only so I can fly to the top of the highest tree
and build a nest as big and as warm
as the World needs

for you hatch out of your enormous egg

a Songbird the shape of an Eagle


Amy Katz is a photojournalist and member of CBB. She has been travelling and covering the protests across the country.