Finding Community Helps Improve Mental Wellness

Finding Community Helps Improve Mental Wellness Mental health greatly influences the quality of our daily lives.  Just as we take care of our physical selves,  we  also need to pay attention to our mental health.  One way to maintain a healthy mental state is through the sense of community that we get when we participate [...]

2024-03-27T18:45:30-07:00March 27th, 2024|

Leorah Wrench: Raising $7,500 for the Santa Barbara Cancer Foundation

Leorah Wrench: Raising $7,500 for the Santa Barbara Cancer Foundation My name is Leorah Wrench and I represent the 7th grade B’Mitzvah class of 2023, at Congregation B’nai B’rith.  At our synagogue, our class was assigned to do a community service project as part of our coming-of-age process as we approach bar or bat mitzvah [...]

2024-03-13T14:03:47-07:00March 13th, 2024|
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