Cantor Mark Childs: Reflections on Reopening
Just in time to end their school year, the students from our Netivot program came together yesterday morning en masse, in-person, masked, distanced and very happy (see photo below).
I can’t overstate my feelings of joy, after a year plus of interacting via Zoom, over being physically together. My utmost wish for all these wonderful students is that they enjoy a summer that will make this past year feel like a distant memory. There is much to make up for and summer break is the time to do it.
Last year at this time we were wondering how the upcoming High Holy Days will be managed entirely on-line. This year we are wondering how they will be managed as we return to physical gathering.
As California opens up, so does CBB. Dazed and happy worshippers are returning to their seats in our sanctuary and chapel. Each individual at his/her/their own pace.
We are ready. We gather in person and on Zoom to offer our prayers of gratitude and petitions for peace. We come together in concern and angst over the ongoing strife in Israel. We look to one another for strength and insight as news of anti-semitic acts and shifting public opinion dominates the headlines.
We have learned that connections can be made and maintained via Zoom, but there’s nothing like looking into the eyes of another with the certainty that they’re actually looking back at you.
Welcome back.

Cantor Childs joins Netivot students Sunday morning in person on the CBB campus for the first time in 14 months.