Help Kibbutz Kfar Aza Rebuild its Healing Arts Center in Ruhama

After October 7, there is an urgent need for healing from trauma for the residents of Kibbutz Kfar Aza. The displaced residents would like to reestablish their Healing Arts Workshop, originally built in Kfar Aza in 2014, in loving memory of Livnat Kutz and Nadav Amikam, who were murdered together with 62 members of the community on October 7, 2023.

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Purpose of the Healing Arts Center

The primary goal of the Healing Arts Center is to leverage the therapeutic power of art to promote mental well-being and healing among the kibbutz members. Children, teenagers, young adults, and senior citizens work through memories and emotions on their path to recovery.

The community is moving to Kibbutz Ruhama over the next several months and is asking for CBB’s help to retrofit an existing building and provide the materials inside to create the Healing Arts Center in their new home. The center in Kibbutz Ruhama will give them stability and activities for healing, serving as a reliable resource for residents throughout their multi-year stay. This center will offer a variety of craft workshops including engraving, carpentry, pottery, painting embroidery, and ceramics, serving as a sanctuary for creativity and healing.

The Center

Is a renovation project of an old building, given by Kibbutz Ruhamah that will stay there for the Kibbutz’s use after the Kfar Aza people leave, in about 3 years.

How You Can Help

Construction, relocation, and materials for the re-created Healing Arts Center in Kibbutz Ruchama cost $75,000.
CBB aims to raise all the funds by March 1, 2025.

Host Private Fundraiser

To host private fundraising events or with questions, contact Rabbi Belle Michael at

Host Arts Project Fundraiser

To host arts projects, contact Lynn Altschul at

Together We Shall Rebuild Kfar Aza!

“Our Family” in Kfar Aza feels the love and connection of the CBB community. Our reaching out and walking together alongside them through these difficult, challenging times is important on the personal and national levels. This project is a top priority for our family in Israel and will help them spiritually and emotionally get through the trauma that continues every day.

  “We believe that from the destruction and pain, we will bloom, renew our days as before, and return to being a source of personal and national pride.”

– Etti Levi

Why this center is needed

1. Psychological respite:

the government provides each person with 36 sessions of treatment which means sitting and talking with a therapist. Many people are anxious about what will happen when the 36 sessions are over. The Center will provide an opportunity for guided Art Therapy by professionals. Second, not all people can talk about their trauma. The workshops provide nonverbal therapy, allowing one to process their emotions through working with materials such as clay or wood, with no expectation for conversation. Third, sitting together with other people opens up opportunities for conversation and processing without pressure.

2. Re-building the community:

After October 7 the community was shattered and scattered in 3 different locations (at least), the move to Ruchama is an effort to rebuild the sense of community. The Center will provide a much-needed space for people of all ages and experiences to gather. “This is a source for communal life and a breath of air, to those who come to the workshop”. The workshop will also support the human connection within the community.

3. Rehabilitation

The purpose is to get back a sense of normality in this not-normal situation. Rebuilding of personal life, returning to normal, productive activities. They are trying to make their stay in Ruchama as nice and positive as they can.