Holly Goldberg: Standing up for Judaism

Holly Goldberg: Standing up for Judaism Current events have illuminated how our culture has become complacent with outdated, non-inclusive policies and practices that marginalize minorities. Unfortunately, as a result most of us have faced unintentional as well as explicit forms of antisemitism.  Being Jewish requires a refined inner grace to know when to not take [...]

2022-02-09T15:37:37-08:00February 9th, 2022|

Daniel Hochman: The Divine Spark

Daniel Hochman: The Divine Spark Our teach­ings tell us we are in­fused with a di­vine spark. This pin­na­cle of light connects us to G-d and to each oth­er. When I cel­e­brate the suc­cess of my friends, I share that hap­pi­ness through this di­vine spark. When some­one is griev­ing, I can reach out with em­pa­thy; and [...]

2021-09-14T09:35:50-07:00September 13th, 2021|

Beth Weinberg: Reflections on Yolanda Savage Narva

Beth Weinberg: Reflections on Yolanda Savage Narva ~~~ Editor's note: CLICK TO VIEW Yolanda Savage Narva's presentation on racial equality, diversity, and inclusion, from our June 20, 2021 Kenny Gaynes Memorial Sunday Morning Live. Savage Narva is the Director of Racial Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at the Union for Reform Judaism. (She is also the aunt [...]

2021-07-14T16:27:17-07:00July 14th, 2021|

Cantor Mark Childs: Reflections on Reopening

Cantor Mark Childs: Reflections on Reopening Just in time to end their school year, the students from our Netivot program came together yesterday morning en masse, in-person, masked, distanced and very happy (see photo below). I can’t overstate my feelings of joy, after a year plus of interacting via Zoom, over being physically together. My utmost wish [...]

2021-05-24T17:07:23-07:00May 27th, 2021|

Amy Katz: Forgiveness

Forgiveness Was I your Scape Goat? The one the Levities pushed over the edge of the cliff in the Wilderness? Was I your Flame in the gaslight? Was I the sacrificed bird, whose blood is splattered by the High Priest, over your leprocy? Did I clean your Soul? I don’t want to be the sacrificed [...]

2021-04-19T14:39:43-07:00April 26th, 2021|

Rabbi Daniel Brenner: Reproduction Shabbat

Rabbi Daniel Brenner: Reproduction Shabbat Some of you may have seen that I was asked by the Santa Barbara News Press to comment on the Supreme Court decision to allow CA houses of worship to hold indoor services.  I told the author of the article that we would not be coming back to in-person services [...]

2021-02-16T14:24:27-08:00February 12th, 2021|

Rabbi Steve Cohen: Two Abrahams

Rabbi Steve Cohen: Two Abrahams Shabbat Shalom! This evening I am thinking of our two great Abrahams. First, Abraham the father of the Jewish people, who lived about 4,000 years ago and whom we meet once again in this week’s Torah portion. And also Abraham Lincoln, who 150 years ago led the United States through [...]

2020-11-02T13:35:55-08:00November 2nd, 2020|

Joel Block: The Honest Struggle

Joel Block: The Honest Struggle All of us, throughout our lives, often have to make choices between what we think we ought to do and what we think is good for us.  This pandemic has only exacerbated that dilemma.  I am a committed Reform Jew, and that means that I believe that it is incumbent upon me, and all [...]

2020-09-15T15:15:04-07:00September 21st, 2020|

Judy Karin: Teshuvah for Everyone? (REPOSTED from 2020)

Judy Karin: Teshuvah for Everyone? (REPOSTED from 2020) “I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” ― Maya Angelou “There’s just something unsustainable about an environment that demands constant atonement but actively disdains the very idea of forgiveness.” ― Elizabeth Bruenig When a friend makes a mistake, [...]

2021-09-09T16:41:22-07:00September 9th, 2021|
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