Sissy Taran: Code Name Sabbath

March 15……..Covid shutdown……….No in-person Sabbath services after attending in-person for 15 years….

March-April-May…Zoom only, with our outstanding clergy, staff, and saying hi and bye to friends….But…..

What does a family do? Thus began a family Zoom game called Code Names!!!!!!

Once played on vacation, my children (big and small) adapted this game to Zoom after CBB Sabbath services end at 7:30 pm.

June…….Let’s be a pod !!!!!!! Thus began Friday Sabbath at Franny and Charlie Freund’s house in Carpinteria (with homemade challah).

So what about Code Names ????????

July-August…….5:45 candle lighting and blessing the ever changing intriguing challah (thanks Abner and Sylvie).

6:00pm, lovely dinner with white tablecloth (thanks Rabbi Steve), cheers to Charlie and Franny for feeding us so fast. And do we eat quickly.

Nana seriously watching the service…..Charlie dancing to Cantor Mark’s music…Franny washing dishes while singing to Cantor Mark’s music. Sylvie climbing on Nana’s lap to see herself on the screen and feel Nana’s “challah arms.” Abner saying “let’s play Pokemon!” and Colman observing all the craziness.

Now Code Names begins!!!!!!

7:30-9:00 from Mar Vista to Manhattan Beach to Tarzana to Carpinteria we have a fun loving family competition with lots of distanced hugs and laughing smiles……

Where there is a will, there is a way to come together as a family and celebrate Sabbath and help get through Covid……

Call me for the game’s instructions…..Love…Sissy.

Sissy Taran wrote The Sun Will Shine Again: Life Lessons from a Year of Grieving”. She never misses Monday & Tuesday CBB coffees, Shabbat services, Torah study, and Mussar.

(You can read the rules for Code Names here.)